Monday, October 19, 2009


Updating my blog seems to get harder every week as I'm developing a busy routine. I'm now going to Rotary meetings twice a week between my two host clubs as it's always nice to be able to get to know everyone better.

I've also been able to get to know my future host families better. I've had dinner with all of them and they are both great. Leaving Jaco, Dieteke and the little princesses in December will be very difficult, but knowing my future host families are so welcoming already it makes it a little bit easier to think about! I stayed the weekend at the Tromp's house and I must admit they are a crazy fun family -- I'm sure I'll fit in perfectly. I'm very much looking forward to going to Switzerland with them.

A few weeks ago I was in Lanzarote in the Canary Islands with Jaco, Dieteke and the girls. They took me on vacation with them (just one reason why they're the best host family ever!) and showed me the real way to do a true vacation. The islands are part of Spain but off the coast of Africa and it's absolutely beautiful. We laid by the pool or the beach for about 98% of each day. Every once in awhile we would get up to get a drink or some food. Or a new book.

The weather was perfect and I certainly got my sun fix for the rest of the rainy winter months here in Holland. Jaco and I went on a few adventures.... Jet skiing with him driving which was terrifyingly fun, and parasailing which was unforgettable. One day we all decided to go on a bus tour around the island which was really nice. We went camel riding, saw volcanoes and few beautiful look outs. But that pretty much somes up all of the physical activity of the week! It was great to just spend time with the family and the three little girls.

As for Rotary outings.. a few weekends ago I had a Rotex weekend in Zeeland which is in the south of the Netherlands. It was another time where all of the exchange students got together along with some Rebound students (Dutch students who have now returned from their exchange). There were many activities planned, one being sailing which was quite uneventful because there was no wind at all. Luckily for me I was invited to go sailing the weekend after I came home with Marco from the Sassenheim club. We had perfect sailing weather and went for the full day. I'm loving this little buddy system more and more every week.
Leiden has a big party weekend on October 3rd every year in celebration of their liberation from the Spanish in World War 2. Hans, a Rotarian from Voorhout, and his wife took me out for dinner and to see the parade and big celebrations. After the parade is finished the streets are flooded with people and the real party starts. There are concerts on the streets and a huge fair. Leiden is a university city with many young students which makes it a very fun place.
Ben, another Rotarian, took me to Amsterdam for a canal tour. This was probably my most entertaining outing as of yet. I guess it was mainly because of how hilarious he is. When I found out one of his favorite movies was The Hangover I knew it was going to be a good day. He also does pretty decent impressions of Borat and George Bush. Oh, and while showing me the city he provided me with my new favorite quote of the year: "Personally, I get insulted when people say Holland is nothing but drugs and prostitutes.... I mean come on, we have Heineken too!"
Next was Willem, him and his family took me to the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam. I think it was my first "real" museum and I enjoyed it very much. Tons of beautiful paintings and learning about his life was interesting too.
And lastly I went golfing with some Rotary Voorhout members. It was a nice day with typical Dutch rainy weather which for the first time didn't seem to bother me. I guess I'm used to the rain and clouds at this point. I had a golf lesson and then played a little game and I must say I'm much better than I thought. My team got first and I even won myself a super awesome Waterproof flashlight. Woo hoo!

Last Saturday I started a photography course in Amsterdam. I'm taking a Digital Imaging course and the first day was awesome. The teacher is so accomplished and inspiring and the class is right in the heart of Amsterdam. I took the train to Central Station, walked down Damrak, through the main square and then to the class. During the class we walked around just taking pictures of everything and anything trying different techniques. Ahh, I loved it.

As for things at home and school.. My host family is still great. The little girls are learning english thanks to me and Dora the Explorer. Emma can count to 10 and Elsa always like to say "Oohhh Noo!!". They also love saying Let's GO! and Good Morning. Soooo cute. My goal is to teach them "1, 2, 3, 4 get your booty on the dance floor" by the time I switch host families.
School could be better as I find it a little bit boring, but I'm hoping to occupy myself with more photography courses and maybe some volunteer work.

Oh, and one more awkward exchange student story.... Wiping out on a bike is nothing compared to this.
I was out of phone credit so I went to Albert Heijn in Sassenheim. This is a popular grocery store in Holland and conveniently provides the most audience for you when you do something embarrassing. After clearly showing I was an exchange student as I had no idea what I was doing when buying the credit, I went to leave the store. One door was busy with people coming into the store, so I walked to the other side and conveniently saw a door with happy welcoming green letters saying "Press bar to open". In English! How nice. So I open it.. and then of course an alarm starts going off, simultaneously as I look at a red sign just above reading: "DEZE DEUR IS BEVEILIGD 24 UUR, NIET OPENEN" Oh, awesome.

Anyway, those are my stories for now! Doeeiii!

1 comment:

Ben Laidlaw said...

Hahahaha, why would they put a sign on in english saying to open it, when there's a dutch sign above it saying to not? Anyway, glad you're having fun, keep on posting! Miss ya!